Wednesday 10 April 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Since starting my media studies there are many things I have learnt during my time studying this subject, such as constructing different types of media products. We started with creating a preliminary exercise to learn about continuity, and editing techniques.This helped create the final product that is our two minute film opening, Bitten.


To film each of these we used a Sony video camera, this itself was new to me as I have never had much experience with using this sort of technology, as the most experience I have had is just basic filming, using a camera phone. So straight away this was a high level of filming. When using the Sony video camera we learned about theframing of shots and how important it is. The use of the zoom button was helpful in getting two separate shots in one continuous part of filming which saved time and improved the quality of our film.

Some of the strengths of using the camera equipment that we were given are that with using the tripod we were able to film steady shots for our film opening and this made our shots more clean and fluent, meaing they wouldn't wobble when filming a shot. This improved the quality of how our film looked making it look more professional. Another good use of having a tripod is, we could create low shots without making them look shakey. 

To edit the footage we had, we used a programme called
Premier Pro. We were taught how to shorten footage and remove parts we do not want as well as being taught how to use effects and video transitions such as fading in, changing the lighting, overlapping sequences to include audio. We also learned rules such as the 180 rule and keeping the continuity consistent. Knowing this has helped when it came to planning and filming our opening. 

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