Tuesday 9 April 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?

Joe Andrews an nineteen year old student at Kings Oak Academy, enjoys studying maths and physics, but in his own time he likes to sit down and enjoy watching thriller films by the famous director David Fincher and Shane Black. His favourite films vary from American Beauty, Fight Club, se7en, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. 
I gave him my film opening to watch and he had this to say about it. 

"I liked the transitions between the shots, and had a good direction. The  Audio was really well used and helped create an atmosphere for the scene. It made me want to watch on to see what happens afterwards."

Aaron Bryant is a Musician at City Of Bristol College and enjoys watching his favourite TV show  Game Of Thrones, and enjoys films such as Back To The Future, Star Wars, Terminator, Lord Of The Rings, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction. I gave him my film opening to watch so I could get his opinion on it and he had this too say.

"Good introduction to tell who is playing who in the film. Also great use of voice over too tell the story, the audio stood out and really built it up. Great opening with good and unique camera shots."

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