Tuesday 9 April 2013

Analysing my own film opening


The scene starts with an establishing shot of the woods, where it then pans to the right showing us a male character running who is our vampire this sets the scene for our film. The music used in this shot is non diagetic and starts off soft, building suspense as to what is happening. The next shot, which is a mid shot shows another male character who is our hunter, kneeling down, praying. This could indicate his life is at risk, and prays for safety. This is a traditional representation of gener as men are usually seen as being heroic and strong. We then cross cut back to a long shot of our vampire who is still running away. We then cut back to our hunter of a close only showing his mouth, there is no speaking audio, but the music is slowly becoming more darker and heavier. Next we cut to a tracking shot, tracking in on our vampire wearing modern day clothing sat up against a wall. In his hand we see a ciggarette, this could indicate that the ciggarette does not affect his health at all. Next we see a cross cut back to the hunter grabbing his crossbow, then the shot cross cuts back to the tracking shot of our vampire. In the background we have an over voice of what seems to be our vampire explaining the situation he has been in. In the next shot we have a long shot of our hunter walking away, the shot then cuts to a tracking shot following the hunters feet, as he is walking along into the forest.
Next three quick shots are shown of our vampire still running away. This creates a sense of mystery as we see the hunter and vampire going towards something. It then cuts to an over the shoulder shot of our vampire looking out over the forest. The music in the background starts to become very fast and tense. We have another cross cut again of the tracking shot of our modern day vampire. This then cuts to the over the shoulder shot as our vampire turns around. This then cuts to a POV shot, showing suspision as to what he is looking at.
Next we cut to a mid shot of the lower half of the hunters body loading his cross bow. We haven't actually seen the hunters face yet, this makes this character seem mysterious too us. The next shot is a midshot of our vampire looking around, which then cross cuts back to the modern day, tracking in closer to our vampire. We next use an over the shoulder shot of our vampire, which is then changed to long shot of our vampire running towards our hunter. The music has become alot more tense, and feels heavier, building up a lot of suspense. The next shot is a close up of the two characters brawling. This is a traditional representation of gender as it is showing two men fighting to see who is the strongest. 
The next shot is a tracking shot, tracking up the dead hunters body showing the character fully, including his face, which we see for the first time. We next cut back to the tracking shot of the modern day vampire, which then becomes an extreme close up of his face to discover his eyes opening which are just black pools. 

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