Thursday 31 January 2013

Conventions Of Vampire Films

Night Setting

The majority of Vampire films are set at night time due to the fact that they cannot go out in day time. For our shoot we don't want to film in complete darkness, so we have decided to film in the evening before it starts to get dark. We have decide to use the woods as our main setting for our opening as it seemed to be a suitable location for our film opening.


Vampire films always include blood, so for us we would have to acquire fake blood. Some Vampire films vary on how much blood is shown. Such as in the film 30 Days Of Night you see there is lots of blood and is seen very violently, whereas in the Twilight series there is little blood as the Vampires in that are not seen as bad guys. For our piece we expect to use a fair amount of blood which could possibly bring the age rating up to an 15-18.



Vampires are portrayed very differently in several films such as the 1931 Dracula, he is seen wearing the big cloak, slicked back hair. Where as in The Lost Boys they are seen as looking like rock stars. For our opening we want to portray our vampire as quite traditional but also show him as a a dark, cool character. In this day and age Vampires are now portrayed as always good looking and not scary anymore. For our piece we want to bring the frightful vampires back.

Costume/Make Up

The traditional costume that vampires wear are the black cloaks, but in modern films they are seen in more casual clothes to blend in to society. For our film opening our vampire will be seen wearing the traditional clothing, but also seen in modern clothing to remain hidden. We will use make up subtly, to just make our vampire pale. For the fake teeth we will purchase a fairly decent pair of fangs. To show the neck biting we will use unique camera techniques so we don't have to show the teeth going in.

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