Thursday 29 November 2012

Three Horror movie openings

28 Weeks Later

The scene starts with multiple close ups of individual characters and objects. This is common in a horror movie, as it displays the emotion on characters faces. The scene sets in a dark isolated house which creates a horror atmosphere, with a group of people around a dinner table and uses mainly quick close ups of peoples faces showing their emotions. Little dialogue is used in the opening, mainly general chit chat. The scene then cuts to a banging on a door, which cuts quickly to multiple characters faces showing that hey are shocked. Throughout this scene again it uses quick close ups of the lead male character unlocking the door to reveal a terrified boy. We next see a cut of a close up of the boy sat at the dinner table stuffing his face with food, this indicates that the boy is starving. The boy is also covered in dirt, and looks unclean, this indicates that the boy must be living on his own as he doesn't care about his appearance. It then cuts to a female character peeking through a hole in the house, when it suddenly cuts to a zombies eyes looking through the hole and screaming. This creates suspense, and makes the audience jump.
We then get a series of quick cuts of the blonde female getting attacked. The lighting in this scene is very bright and very exposed, which makes us connect with the characters of maybe how long they have been hiding in this dark house. We next see a shot of a zombie biting this females arm, showing us blood which is a common theme in horror movies. The scene quickly cuts to all the other characters running towards her to set her free. The next few shots we see the camera following the characters running away from the scene, the camera uses a shaky effect, so it feels as if we are following these characters. In the background eerie dark music is playing which is non diagetic, this helps build suspense for the scene and is also very common in horror movies.


The scene opens with a shot of a house during night time, and introduces three characters, a mother and her two children, Sam and Dean. We then see the father enter the room, and pick up his son. This is a traditional representation of an American happy family. We then see a close up of the baby, Sam in his baby crib. The next shot cuts to a close up of various items around the room which are moving on it's own. It then cuts too a baby monitor close up, in the background is non diagetic piano playing, which sounds eerie and creates a sense of tension and horror to the scene. We then see the mother, Mary, look into the babies room and we see a dark figure covered in a shadow, this is a traditional representation of a horror villain as we usually do not see the villains face nearer towards the end. We then see Mary walk down the stair case, the lighting in this scene is very dark, not showing much light, which creates more of a horror atmosphere. The camera then pans to where she then notices her husband is sat on the sofa downstairs. The camera then follows her up the stairs until we hear a scream which is common in all horrors, which then cuts to a close up of the father who runs to the bedroom. He then looks over the baby crip when we see a close up of his hand with blood dripping from above. The camera then cuts to the ceiling where his wife is pinned there dying she then gets surrounded by flames. This again is a typical representation as it brings death into the scene which is common all the time in horror openings.

The Ring

 The scene opens with a shot of a house at night time with rain falling in the background, this is a traditional representation of a horror opening, as it helps build up a scary atmosphere. It then cross cuts too a two shot of two typical girls watching TV late at night this is a modern represtion of teenage girls. We then see an eyeline match as to what they are watching on TV. It then cuts to the two girls talking and it slowly zooms in to the dark haired girl telling us a scary story of a video tape. It then cuts to a close up of the brown haired girl, and we can see from her facial expressions that she is scared and knows something about this story. It then cuts to the girls laughing as we find out the brown haired girl was joking, this is a modern representation of teenagers as they like to mess around and play jokes on eachother. The phone then rings which shows us a close up of the clock showing that it is 10pm and that it would be ridiculous for someone to ring at that time. Both girls question it looking terrified, then it cuts to the two girls walking down the stairs towards the phone. When the girl picks up the phone we find out her mother is the person on the other side, this is building tension as we think something bad is going to happen from this which is traditional in horror films. Next we hear static coming from a TV, and then we see a close up of the brown haired girls face looking extremely scared. We again see an eyeline match of her looking at the TV remote to turn the TV off. The TV turns itself back on again and we see a mid shot of her looking into the TV screen. When she pulls the plug out of the TV we see a shadowed figure in the reflection which is a traditional representation of a horror figure, as we usually don't see the antagonist at first, they are usually introduced through shadows or figures.

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