Tuesday 27 November 2012

The characteristics of a Horror movie

In my own time I have analysed three openings for horror movies. The film openings I have analysed are The Evil Dead which is a 1981 american horror film. Supernatural which is a supernatural horror TV series and 28 Weeks Later a post apocalyptic zombie horror. 
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8gvznbvVA1rsdfbmo5_400.jpg   The atmosphere in horror films are usually filled with darkness, and use shadows to create an eerie effect, and a scary mood. The camera shots that are used most in horror movies are close ups and extreme close up, to show the emotions on a characters face.
  The sounds used in horrors are mainly effects which create a creepy atmosphere, such as creeky floorboards and doors. The score of a horror film would be gradually build up and keep a steady pace to build suspense and establish tension.
  Horror films are most famous for the explicit graphic scenes caused by humans, monsters, or other supernatural monsters. Horror movies now typically revolve around the theme of torture, revenge and murder.
  The antagonist of a horror movie often revolves around some sort of monster of an evil force, such as Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolfes, Demons and Zombies. They all usually come with some sort of weakness the protagonist can defeat them with at the end of the film.

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